Sparky & Shirley Shriver

Charged with the passion of searching for a warmer climate and retirement goals, Sparky, Shirley and our daughter Shelby sold our properties in Arvada Colorado and proceeded to transplant to beautiful Estrella Mountain.
39 years of service with the Arvada Fire Department for Sparky and 45 years of hair styling for Shirley was a delightful sufficiency for the both of us.
Enjoying friendships with others has always been a goal of mine which is expressed by sharing the several muscle cars and hot rods I have been fortunate to have own.
My dedication as one of the founding fathers of the annual Hot Times Kool Cars show in Arvada gave me the opportunity working with metro firefighters and friends volunteering with the common goal of organizing one of the largest single day car shows west of the Mississippi. For 17 years this charity extravaganza was dedicated to the Children’s Hospital Burn Center in Denver which has been one of my favorite memories.
“Street Rods Forever”
Sparky Shriver

Sparky is passionate about '32 Fords
Sparky's Current Hot Rod

A few of Sparky's previous '32s.